“Explosive”, is how Brother Dick described our July meeting. “One-Arm” Arnold Denten was our special guest who ‘single-handedly’ (pardon the pun) gave a demonstration of pressure-loading an 80mm home-made pan mortar from re-constituted dud fireworks. While placing bets whether it would work, the gathered mass was thrilled to see that our guest presenter got a flash-in-the-pan and and he was Denten the ceiling.
Next meeting will be held on Wednesday, August 3, 2016 at the Cafe, Abernathy Building, 1102 N 2nd St., Leavenworth, KS. Gather at 6:00 pm, Dinner at 6:30 pm, Meeting at 7:00 pm. Brothers, you are encouraged to bring your lady. Meetings are usually over well before 8 pm.
Dinner is $10 per person. Please let Brother Dick know you are coming so we have a meal ready for you. But, please, if you say you are coming, come. You are obligated to pay for the meal whether you show or not. Bring $US cash. The Cafe does not accept devil’s dollars (i.e. Euros).
For our next meeting, we have tentatively scheduled to hear from our student attendee who makes his trip to the Spirit of America Youth Leadership Conference at Freedoms Foundation Valley Forge in mid July. We haven’t sent a student to Valley Forge in quite a while so his feedback should be interesting to new and seasoned Sojourner alike. Please make plans to join us.