Let the Fireworks Begin! – July 5th Meeting

Leavenworth Ks. On a steamy July 5th evening, ye old Sojourners had powered wigs and dry powder for their muskets. 
As a final salute to America’s Independence Day celebration, Sojourners gathered at the Pullman in Leavenworth to fire cannons and toast the country’s birthday.  Only seven Sojourners were present so the 12 year old scotch went several times around the table.

For business, we put together Annual Reports for National HQ.   After several tongue-in-cheek responses, we realized that although our Freedom Fund is at 70% funded for a student scholarship to the Youth Leadership Conference, no students were nominated this year for the trip.  We need to do a better job at telling our story so we have a student nominee for next year.

Bro. Richard Schroder is our chapter’s 2017 nominee for Done the Most for Americanism for the Sojourner year.

PRIZES!  All members are automatically entered.   You need not be present to win (and you most certainly want to be present to ‘assist’ with the nominations).  All decisions are final.  Winners of the new year Officer positions are:
President: Vic Henke
1st VP : Tom Dials
2nd VP : Rob LePrez
3rd VP:  Aaron Ewing
Secretary/Treasurer: Dick Wright

Commander: Herb Merrick
CoS: Tom Dials
ACoS: Vic Henke
OD: Rick Reichert
Adj: Dick Wright

Next meeting will be on Wednesday, August 2nd.  Stay tuned to this blog for updates for place and program of the evening.

Look for a Heroes of ’76® bivouac in September for the purpose of enlisting a recruit or two into the ranks of the Continental Army.

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