President Henke declared September as Citizenship Month
Citizenship Day 2017, also referred to as Constitution Day, is a combined holiday observed annually on September 11. It is a day dedicated to commemorating the formation and signing of the Constitution of the United States on September 17, 1787 and is dedicated to all United States citizens. (More information)
Honoring the Constitution and grateful for the fabulous inheritance as American citizens, we decided to extend the holiday to all of September. At our September meeting, with several Masonic politicians and high mucky-mucks present, Bro. Vic made the bold declaration. It was unanimous in its adoption and immediately codified. September is Citizenship Month. (Ed note. Natural and Adopted legal Americans should be grateful every day of the year.)
The rest of the meeting included a fine meal in the “upper room” and lot of great information and business was transacted. We had only 5 available seats left, so it was a comfortably full house. Flag Building season has slowed down. The only one on the books is for May 8th, 2018. We need more on the calendar if we are to fund our next student to Freedom’s Foundation at Valley Forge in July. Heroes camp is still slated for November. Relief funds were approved for the Texas disaster appeal from MSANA.