The mob of Leavenworth area Sojourners met at Pullman’s in the spacious Club Car during a perfect spring evening to conduct the important duty of receiving the Area Representative for Kansas, Lt Col Thomas L. Upton (US Army, Ret.) and his lady, Jane, who made the trip from Omaha.

After the uniformed Army ROTC Color Guard from West Leavenworth Vo-Tech presented the National Colors and the 1776th Army Band played the National Anthem, the Plaid Highlanders Scottish Pipe & Drum Corps piped the Area Representative front and center where he delivered an excellently prepared oratory that kept us spellbound and roused us into a rare standing ovation.
Bro. Herb made a pitch for members of the Kansas Volunteer Infantry to man the Sojourner/Hero table at the Leadership Academy on September 14th at the Doubletree in Overland Park.
President Bro. Vic presented the complete oratory history of Washington’s Crossing of the Delaware at Christmas, December 1776. How sink the potent patriots of these days when compared with those who braved the harsh winter and did what can only be described as mission: impossible. We still owe so much to those who had so little but the grand ideal of living free from a tyrannical government and foreign rule.
Next Sojourners meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 1, 2019 at Pullman Place Family Restaurant, 230 Cherokee St, Leavenworth, KS. Gather at 6:00 pm, Dinner at 6:30 pm, Meeting at 7:00 pm. Brothers, you are encouraged to bring your lady. Meetings are usually over well before 8 pm. Dinner is order-off-the-menu. Please let Brother Dick know you are coming so we have a seat available for you. But, please, if you say you are coming, come. Bring $US cash. The restaurant does not accept devil’s dollars (i.e. Euros).