We max’d out the ballroom at Pullman’s for our September meeting. President Henke could feel the anticipation in the air as the agenda items were ticked off (as opposed to the attendees). Finally, the meeting crescendo was reached and the drawing for the Big Prize resulted in a tie. Apparently, the winning ticket was stuck to another. Wise master Vic was about to declare that the baby should be cut in half, but the prize being only half a cow (the back half) there was some concern that further division would be half-a$$ed. Bro. Neff Befflle acquiesced and allowed Bro. Geo Arge keep the whole half prize.
President Henke then gave a lecture on the History of the National Sojourners complete with color graphic handouts which fostered excellent commentary by those assembled. He is looking for a Sojourner to provide education on the origins of the Camp Followers part of National Sojourners.
Attention Heroes of ’76®: Mark your calendar for Nov 6th for an Encampment at Camp Boughton. Chow will either be Rear of Steer (see above) or a Rack of Ribs. (We’re opting for the ribs!). Heroes are required to bring your own carcass and muster with us.
Next Sojourners meeting will be held on Wednesday, Oct 2, 2019 at Pullman Place Family Restaurant, 230 Cherokee St, Leavenworth, KS. Gather at 6:00 pm, Dinner at 6:30 pm, Meeting at 7:00 pm. Brothers, you are encouraged to bring your lady. Meetings are usually over well before 8 pm. Dinner is order-off-the-menu. Please let Brother Dick know you are coming so we have a seat available for you. But, please, if you say you are coming, come. Bring $US cash. The restaurant does not accept devil’s dollars (i.e. Euros).