Our president found himself the subject of a whistleblower at the October 2nd meeting of Fort Leavenworth #154. Actually, everyone in attendance were whistleblowers thanks to an anonymous donation of 120 of the famous wood train whistles on sale at the Pullman Place Family Restuarant. “The noise was worse than a parade of kids with kazoos”, said one of the regulars at Pullman’s. “You should all be in the Shrine Oriental Band”, said a member of the Adballah Shriners divan, who wished to remain anonymous. “Yeah, said a Sojourner, “they are just a kazoo band for adults, so same difference.”
Bro. Arnold gave a rousing pitch for High Twelve and the Shawnee High Twelve charity called The Wolcott Foundation. The Foundation awards fellowships for graduate students seeking higher education in government-related studies. Since most of the attendees have had enough government for a lifetime, no one picked up an application.
Attention Heroes of ’76®: Mark your calendar for Wednesday, Nov 6th for an Encampment Bivouac at Camp Boughton. [Some high muckety-muck at HQ put out the official definition: One charter, one Hero, one camp is a BIVOUAC. Two charters or more, two Heroes, two or more camps is an ENCAMPMENT.] Chow will either be Rear of Steer or a Rack of Ribs. (We’re opting for the ribs!). Heroes are required to bring your own carcass and muster with us.
Next Sojourners meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at Pullman Place Family Restaurant, 230 Cherokee St, Leavenworth, KS. Gather at 6:00 pm, Dinner at 6:30 pm, Meeting at 7:00 pm. Brothers, you are encouraged to bring your lady. Meetings are usually over well before 8 pm. Dinner is order-off-the-menu. Please let Brother Dick know you are coming so we have a seat available for you. But, please, if you say you are coming, come. Bring $US cash. The restaurant does not accept devil’s dollars (i.e. Euros).