“We’re having this meeting even if everyone in the entire chapter freezes their keister,” says President Vic Henke. You’d think it was spoken like a true patriot who remembers the sacrifices of our brothers of the Revolutionary War who, in the biting cold of Valley Forge, the Delaware River, and Trenton did what they had to do so we could enjoy the freedoms we still enjoy today. Not so. He took off for the warmer climes of Texas.
If you’re trying to figure out where we went in December, we went to Mama Mia’s for dinner. No business was conducted. We therefore had a magnificent turn-out; over 20. We also had a decent turn-out at our January meeting: We had a dozen, presided over by Bro. Dials. We were thanked for our efforts to fund relief through MSANA in response to the devastating hurricanes this past autumn.
We decided to seek a student to sponsor to the Youth Conference at Freedoms Foundation Valley Forge. We’ll be working with JROTC units in the area to find the best candidate. The conference runs July 5-8, 2018. Cost is $460 plus transportation. Chapter is working on a bake sale in Colorado in attempt to raise funds.
Next Sojourners meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 7, 2018 at Pullman Place Family Restaurant, 230 Cherokee St, Leavenworth, KS. Gather at 6:00 pm, Dinner at 6:30 pm, Meeting at 7:00 pm. Brothers, you are encouraged to bring your lady. Meetings are usually over well before 8 pm. Dinner is order-off-the-menu. Please let Brother Dick know you are coming so we have a seat available for you. But, please, if you say you are coming, come. Bring $US cash. The restaurant does not accept devil’s dollars (i.e. Euros).